Galaxy Girl Geek

School Systems Across US Declare They Will Not Comply With Trump’s Anti-Trans Executive Order

ICE Agent Decides He Wants Kids After Seeing Incredible Love And Devotion Of Parents Begging Him Not To Take Their Child - The Onion

New Square Feature Allows Customers To Tip With Bible Quote - The Onion

Slavery - legitimate slavery - still exists in a common circumstance throughout the U.S.. You can tell Monopoly is an old game. There’s a luxury tax and rich people can go to jail.

Scotty303: When I was a kid in Atlantic City, Trump came to our catholic school for a senator’s fundraiser. He gave all the kids a voucher for a free ice cream cone and some arcade tokens at his casino. None of the vouchers were valid. That was the day I knew he was a fucking liar. lol.

thefurrow: Witnesses said a bus driver told an ICE agent to “gargle [his] balls” when the latter requested to enter the bus.

Eric_S Thomas: Why do people think that if you’re poor you’re not allowed to have self-respect? No, a homeless person doesn’t need to eat “Whatever you give them.” Yes, a poor person is allowed to just have a day of fun or spend money on things to just bring them joy. Stop policing dignity.

Unknown: I expect to pass through this world but once; if, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do my fellow being, let me do it now; let me not defer, nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.

C.C. Jung: Intuition is perception via the unconscious that brings forth ideas, images, new possibilities and ways out of blocked situations.

Brandon Lee Mulligan: On the level of individuals and civilizations, personality predates ideology. Meaning, before you were a fascist, you were a bully and an asshole.

No more e-mails. If you need me, you must venture into the woods by candlelight and call out my name three times on a full moon.

DrDoyleSays: It is a misconception that trauma survivors are fixated on the past. We never want to think of the past ever again. We do backflips trying to NOT think about the past. We’re actually really good at denying the past even happened. Problem is: the past isn’t quite through with us.

nate_postlethwt: Yes, therapy helps heal trauma. Learning about the mind-body connection is also a great resource. What is often overlooked is the power of validation. The words that tell someone we don’t think they’re crazy, we think they’re hurting. This has immediate and lasting impact.

Noam Chomsky: I don’t know what word in the English language - I can’t find one - applies to people who are willing to sacrifice the literal existence of organized human life so they can put a few more dollars into highly stuffed pockets. The word ‘evil’ doesn’t even begin to approach it. People fail to realize that if you remove every ounce of enjoyment from your life, you still can’t afford rent and food. Fundamentally, that’s a huge problem.

Willie Nelson: Your enemy is not the refugee. Your enemy is the one who made him a refugee.

MSNBC: California citrus farmers report that thousands of workers didn’t show up today. Acres of oranges, limes, and lemons are rotting as harvest season is ‘virtually halted’.

davidgrosstv: Calzones are pizzas that sense danger.

Sarah Sizzle: “The longer we don’t comply, the more desperate they become. The more desperate they become, the crazier the demands get. The crazier the demands get, the more people wake up. The more people wake up, the less powerful they become.”

Trump administration evicts former Coast Guard leader from her house with 3 hours notice

I don’t argue with people John Brown would’ve shot.

aschewholesin: The idea that vengeance against evil makes you just as bad as the evil you’re taking up arms against feels very much like something the bad guys would make up and spread across popular culture to make sure we don’t shove their head in a guillotine, just saying.

Worf: Explorers with the courage to cultivate what is righteous, shelter what is innocent, preserve what is beautiful, respect the complexities of what we do not yet understand, and confront what we know to be ignorant and wrong, even when it rises up within our own ranks. […] That is Starfleet.

“I don’t know, maybe you don’t have to stay considerate in a space you’re not considered, you know what I mean?”