Galaxy Girl Geek

Trump Uses Supreme Court Immunity Ruling to Claim “Unrestricted Power”

American Bar Association, 2/10/2025: “In the three weeks since President Trump’s inauguration, we’ve seen wide-scale affronts to the rule of law itself, such as attacks on constitutionally protected birthright citizenship, the dismantling of USAID and the attempts to criminalize those who support lawful programs to eliminate bias and enhance diversity. We have seen attempts at wholesale dismantling of departments and entities created by Congress without seeking the required congressional approval to change the law. There are efforts to dismiss employees with little regard for the law and protections they merit, and social media announcements that disparage and appear to be motivated by a desire to inflame without any stated factual basis. This is chaotic. It may appeal to a few. BUT IT IS WRONG.”

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

Man: Hey girl. The longstanding social arrangement in which heterosexual men found purpose by providing security for a family has been altered by modern women’s self-sufficiency. The increase in service-sector employment along with women’s higher average social networking ability has resulted in a world where typical men like me no longer feel needed and are struggling to find meaning.

Woman: Wow, are you going to perhaps join a men’s club where you can meet friends and mentors, acquiring practical and life skills in order to gain the confidence tempered by wisdom that would make you a whole person and a desirable life partner?

Man: No, nah. No, I’m gonna go to the gym and get absolutely jacked in a way that is mostly physically appealing to other men, then get painful height-increasing surgery, inject my balls with testosterone, and spend my nights on offensive shitposting because the amphetamines won’t let me sleep. So, can I buy you a drink?

Woman: Ah. I’m gonna go marry some guy who’s chubby and has people-feelings.

Man: Gaaaaaaaay …

Smile on Your Lips and Song in Your Heart

Child Was Born (1977) (Sergey Vasilyev)

“A construction in which one word or phrase is understood to fill a parallel syntactic role in two or more clauses or phrases, as with the verb was in She was upstairs, and her husband downstairs.” zeugma - definition and meaning

"[The U.S. Constitution’s] Article V’s procedures can be applied to Article V itself. It can therefore be altered in a ‘downward’ direction, making it easier to alter the article again in the future." Gödel’s Loophole

“That unbearable heaviness you feel in your heart and soul? That’s your humanity talking. You’re a good person caught in a cruel world.”

I love when a show can outwit the back of my head. I wll figure out stuff a lot of the time even if I don’t want to. But sometimes, it surprises me. “THIS is the Bad Place” is an example, followed by that delightful villain-laugh …

“Piracy can’t be stealing if paying for it isn’t owning.”

heiditron3000: “Hi there, I’m Glenn Frey of The Eagles for Milk of Magnesia. You know, when I’m running down the road trying to loosen MY load, I’ve got seven women on my mind–but only one laxative. Yes, Milk of Magnesua really lets me…take it easy.”

HenpeckedHal: Last night my seven-year-old asked to go to bed about 20 minutes before her normal bedtime. “Are you sleepy?” I asked. She said, “I’m not tired, I’m just tired of being awake,” and brother, I felt those words in my bones.

Some Americans Had No Clue Joe Biden Dropped Out, Google Trends Suggests

lolennui: Very troubling that the song “Monster Mash” isn’t the Monster Mash — it’s a song about the Monster Mash, which is not itself heard on the track, and is fundamentally unknowable to us.

Spoilers for a 4-5-yo movie (GLASS): it’s a bit hilarious when the Beast is trying to squeeze Dunn to death and then Dunn just starts walking across the factory floor. (Hey,, neat feature idea: spoiler text like >!spoilers herer!< ? I could see it being abused, but … )

Trump administration wants to un-fire nuclear safety workers but can’t figure out how to reach them

Artist’s Work Pulses With New Life After Open-Heart Surgery and a Series of Hallucinations

Elon Musk ridiculed a blind person on X. Then a mob went to work.

Trump to Fire Hundreds From FAA Despite Four Deadly Crashes on His Watch

Why is Twitter censoring links to Signal?

Meta Says It’ll Tattle to Trump If EU Keeps Being Mean I heard there was a secret ooze / that turned four reptiles into dudes, / but you don’t really care for turtles do ya It’s a cold and / it’s a broken / “cowabunga”

Dunkin' Donuts' Used to Have a Namesake Donut with a Handle

imustgoon: “A piece of advice worth passing on: I often think of the words by Irish playwright and novelist Samuel Beckett: ‘I must go on, I can’t go on, I’ll go on.’ […] We can, and will, overcome. Resilience is a feature of humanity, in all of us, to be tapped into.”

Opinion: Bluesky is a dangerous echo chamber because no one wants to hear from me, specifically - The Beaverton

A Female Sci-Fi Character Written By a Male Writer

“South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol walked back his Tuesday declaration of martial law hours after the country’s National Assembly voted to strike down his stunning decree that sparked a constitutional crisis for one of the closest U.S. allies in Asia."

GOP attempt to ban Zooey Zephyr from women’s restroom fails

Alex Consani, the first trans woman Model of the Year