Galaxy Girl Geek

Have discovered that there is no world yet where you can convince an LLM to accurately craft even mediocre-level puns.

“You’ve spent two years fighting not just for your survival, but for the very idea of democracy—something that used to mean something in America. And now, just when you need us most, you’ve got to deal with a bunch of spineless, Putin-curious buffoons treating your struggle like a game of mobster cosplay."

“Word of the day is ‘lickspittle’ (17th century): a person who fawns upon someone in power for personal gain."

The 8-Bit Era’s Weird Uncle: The TI-99/4A

No more in-person town halls, NRCC chief tells House Republicans

What can I do to fight this coup?

“Not a single U.S. citizen was able to recall how they got roped into American society to begin with, why they’ve continued being a part of it, or why so much time, energy, and resources are devoted to its continuation day in and day out."

Susie Dent: “Word of the day is ‘lickspittle’ (17th century): a person who fawns upon someone in power for personal gain."

Susie Dent: “Word of the day is ‘huff-snuff’ (16th century): a hectoring bully or braggart.” — Bluesky

catch-fart: an obsequious individual who will always follow the political wind

Palpatine is a Rapper - YouTube

On July 31, 2019 Trump has a private meeting with Putin. On August 3, 2019, just three days after his private meeting with Putin Trump issues a request for a list of top US spies. By 2021 the CIA reports an unusually high number of their agents are being captured and/or being murdered. During the search executed at Mar A Lago the FBI find more documents with lists of U.S. informants on them.

Pedro Pascal: I can’t think of anything more vile and small and pathetic than terrorizing the smallest, most vulnerable community of people who want nothing from you, except the right to exist.

Harley Diamond: My neighbor was complaining they were short on money. I went over there and found a TON of savings for them. First, I sold both of their cars for them, I fired the babysitter who watches their children after school, and I canceled the fire insurance on their home. I saved that family thousands of dollars! Despite all I’ve done for them, they’re now complaining that they can’t get to work and they need their babysitter or the kids will be left unsupervised. The solutions they need are so easy; I own a car service and they can pay me to drive them to work. I also own interest in a day care down the road. I just can’t understand what they’re so upset about.

Domestic Enemy Hat ( I think Americans, blessed with relatively stable government for a long time, assume there is someone, some adult, who will step in and make things right before the President does anything REALLY bad. There’s not.


Sally’s Boss: Sally, did you learn how to do your job better with AI as I instructed?

Sally: Yes.

Sally’s Boss: Great. So can you work twice as fast now?"

Sally: Sorry, you’ve used up your requests for Sally to work harder. More will be made available in two weeks.

Sally’s Boss: But-

Sally: If you upgrade your subscription level to Sally Pro, you can have unlimited requests.

Sally’s Boss: You should consider if this is a good way to keep your job."

Sally: I’m sorry, ‘thinking Sally’ is only available at our enterprise tier.

D.L. Mayfield: Here’s my pep talk after studying authoritarianism:

1).They never truly expect a long-term resistance movement b/c they think people are a collection of trauma triggers who are easily controlled thru terror.

  1. If they can’t terrorize you 24/7 in your mind, they have already lost the war.

  2. The single best way you can resist fascism is to not let them terrorize you constantly. Protect your mental health to ensure you are not constantly in a terrorized state.

  3. Keep connecting to who you are at your core. Your values, preferences, ethics, and beliefs. Build up capacity to resist.

5). Remember they are like abusive parents: they only see us extensions of them. They have no clue how powerful joy and community and self-expression can be. We can use this to our advantage — we can be the strong-willed child they never saw coming.

Spending time connecting to your true self is not selfish in these times — it’s intricately connected to a resistance movement that is tied to honoring our bodies, our communities, and to the land. We have to build capacity to resist by being exactly who we are!

Kurt Eichenwald: I am going to try to explain why there is so much outrage in the intelligence agencies about what Trump did on Saturday in his CIA speech.

Imagine having a campaign rally at the National Cemetery. Or a cocktail fundraiser amid the grave markers of U.S. soldiers in Normandy.

This “event” Trump held, purportedly to greet CIA employees, was in the Memorial Wall room, where 117 CIA employees who died in service to our country are honored. Many more have died, and it takes special approval to receive a star on the wall or be listed in the book, called the Book of Honor. Many of the names of the fallen will never be known because their identities have to be kept secret—even in death.

Rarely is that room used for anything, but when it is, the solemn nature of it is recognized. George W. Bush was, I believe, the first president to hold an event there in 2001, but it was exceedingly respectful and in keeping with the meaning of the room. The second major event was an appearance by Obama after the killing of Bin Laden, when he went to the CIA to thank the people there for their often anonymous sacrifices that led to that success in the fight against terrorism. Again, solemn and fitting with the meaning of the room.

Both Bush and Obama paid deep homage to those honored in the book and by the stars. CIA employees listened respectfully but did not turn the events into rallies.

Then, Trump.

He had the audacity to bring people from his team to cheer for him and sit in the front rows. I can’t imagine CIA employees cheering and whooping it up at the Memorial Wall. It would be like screaming “BOO-yah!” at a funeral.

Trump made a single, over-the-shoulder mention of the stars. But he spent most of his time griping about the media, bragging about the number of times he had been on the cover of Time Magazine, and complaining that everyone was lying about numbers at his inauguration.

And all the while, his professional cheerleaders—who couldn’t find their way to the CIA bathroom—are sitting there, cheering for the man who apparently needs applause everywhere he goes.

It was an abomination, perhaps the most disrespectful thing I have ever seen done by any president in that kind of place.

I felt sure we would hear from former Director Brennan pretty fast. Why? Because one of those stars on the wall belongs to a close friend of his who died in service of this country. And he knows who all the others are as well. For him, I’m sure, it was like watching someone having a picnic on the graves in the National Cemetery.

And then the same Trump staff that was too lazy or stupid to do the advance work on the CIA trip—so that they knew the meaning of the wall—goes on TV to attack Brennan as a partisan hack for wanting a room of such enormous meaning to be treated with the solemnity it deserves.

And that is an important element here.

I actually don’t blame Trump for this horror show on Saturday. Few people outside of government know the meaning of the wall. That was his staff’s job, and they clearly had no idea what they were sending Trump to do. No sane person would agree to send a cheering squad.

They are incompetent.

Worse, they are arrogant, and respond to others pointing out their undeniable errors by attacking and whining.

No, anger at the dishonoring of patriots who died is not partisan.

You don’t want criticism? Do your jobs better. And when you screw up—like you did by turning the most solemn place in the intelligence world into a rah-rah location—just admit it, apologize, and move on.

Puppy wudga wudga.

Albrecht Dürer’s Pillow Studies (1493) — The Public Domain Review

Alnur Mussayev: In 1987, I worked in the 6th Department of the KGB of the USSR in Moscow. The most important area of work of the 6th Department was the acquisition of spies and sources of information from among businessmen of capitalist countries. It was in that year that our Department recruited the 40-year-old businessman from the USA, Donald Trump, nicknamed “Krasnov”.

Ian Fleming’s original James Bond novel - Moonraker - published almost exactly 70 years ago in April 1955 - features a villain who’s a super-rich industrialist and rocket-maker seeking to cause chaos because he’s a secret Nazi. Such a silly idea!

“In ancient Athens, the world’s first democracy, they had a process called ostracism, where once a year the people could vote on the politician they thought was most destructive to the democratic process. The ‘winner’ was banished from Athens for 10 years.”