Man: Hey girl. The longstanding social arrangement in which heterosexual men found purpose by providing security for a family has been altered by modern women’s self-sufficiency. The increase in service-sector employment along with women’s higher average social networking ability has resulted in a world where typical men like me no longer feel needed and are struggling to find meaning.
Woman: Wow, are you going to perhaps join a men’s club where you can meet friends and mentors, acquiring practical and life skills in order to gain the confidence tempered by wisdom that would make you a whole person and a desirable life partner?
Man: No, nah. No, I’m gonna go to the gym and get absolutely jacked in a way that is mostly physically appealing to other men, then get painful height-increasing surgery, inject my balls with testosterone, and spend my nights on offensive shitposting because the amphetamines won’t let me sleep. So, can I buy you a drink?
Woman: Ah. I’m gonna go marry some guy who’s chubby and has people-feelings.
Man: Gaaaaaaaay …